Airstrology: Gold Disc - A 6 month package of low effort, healing support

How we reconnect you is through music, selected just for you. Airstrology uses your personal astrology to match you to musicians, composers and artists who can bring about the exact effects you're looking for; and the discussions we're having in your session are interspersed with clips of their work, so you can get an instant taste of their healing effects. Sound and music are known to have healing qualities; but when we select them based on your personal astrology, we can direct those qualities on a personalised basis, taking you beyond sound healing and into Harmonic Healing.
Following each session, I present you with your Custom Mix - 10 different artists expertly chosen as the best possible fits to bring about the help you most need at that time, with a full breakdown of the effects you can expect to receive from each - as well as an in depth but down to earth report of the most important ways your astrology is impacting you and why these are your areas of focus in this moment.

A review from Airstrology client: Crystal
"So yesterday was one of the WILDEST DAYS OF MY LIFE!
Luckily for me, I was able to consult with Airstrology and so I had ALBUMS AND ALBUMS of music *on deck*, curated and attuned, both to keep me going when i needed to get things done, and to help me just - log off and chill when I need to CALM TF DOWN.
You def def want to hit up Zelda Violet Star.
Just do. It."
My name is Zelda, and I'm your guide for this six month journey
I'm Airstrology's creator and Mistress of Ceremonies. And I've spent most of the past decade working as a professional astrologer, tarot reader and psychic - work that has required me to provide deeply personalised guidance to thousands of different people going through some very intense life experiences.
I'm also someone who went through incredibly intense upheaval in my own life from 2021-2022. In this time I was forced to suddenly flee unsafe living conditions, had close relationships disintegrate, mutiple friends died suddenly and I suffered a severe loss of established income - and what I found was that the sources of support I had relied upon before just didn't cut it in the face of such extreme circumstances. When you're in the midst of such turmoil, approaches such as psychotherapy are limited to crisis management, because trying to go deeper only serves to further destabilise you - a foothold has to be found first.
In applying astrology to this, I also found that simple analysis and guidance weren't enough - I needed to manage the impact of those changes and to feel better before I could do anything else; but I also needed to be able to find the energy, focus and creativity to be able to rebuild from those ashes. It's one thing to understand what's happening and what you should do about it, but quite another to actually put it into practice when you're overwhelmed.
Understanding the astrological influences I was under meant I was in no doubt as to the gravity of the situation, but Airstrology was created to give me a means to find myself again in the midst of all of that chaos - combining my astrological knowledge and experience with my love of music and firm commitment to finding what was going to help me the most. That's something I did for myself, out of self love; and it's something that I'm now able to offer to you.

A case study: Holly, a recent Airstrology client
What if you're being faced with disrespect, or not being valued enough?
This was coming up for Holly, an Airstrology client, who does very skilled volunteer work but has been treated worse than paid staff with the demands placed on them and how they've been treated; and they asked whether they need to get more motivated or need to move on, and what would help.
One thing you learn as an astrologer and healer is that you can trust people to ask the right questions at the right time - and when I pulled up their charts, I naturally noticed the difficulty but also the potential solutions.
That difficulty appeared as a difficult current transit from Saturn to their Moon and Venus - in a chart with a clear theme emphasising that a major focus in their life is what they can do for others.
Saturn poses questions of wisdom and responsibility - and when its influence is highlighted, it usually poses a particular type of question: "are you sure you want to keep doing this, because this is where it leads?". So what's highlighted here is a matter of self respect - responsibility to self, because of course if we keep doing what we've always done, we'll always get what we've always got. A Saturn transit that I received earlier this year in my 6th House (known as the "house of ill health") pushed me to change completely how I work as what I was doing was detrimental to my health. Wisdom is in listening to what Saturn is showing you.
The support I was able to offer was in identifying the process and its likely duration, so Holly could know when they're likely to resolve it.
But also providing the music the allows them in the meantime not just to relieve the strain and to feel more supported and able to process the poor treatment, but also to assist them in placing their own needs first - as this isn't always something that comes naturally to them.
As an astrologer I also naturally look to the timing and form of the solution - and in the next few weeks, this client will have both Jupiter and Mars cross their Ascendant - when Jupiter crosses the Ascendant, this provides an excellent opportunity to initiate new things that will expand over the next 12 years, while Mars adds impetus, enthusiasm and that extra push to prioritise yourself; and together they present opportunities that can be grasped. Supplying music that aligns them to that area of life grants them an ability to place their focus where it needs to be, allowing them to hitch a ride as those opportunties show up - and to be able to build from there without having to make wholesale changes all at once.
With Airstrology, my focus is always on YOU. While no-one should be treated with disrespect, what matters is how we can improve things for ourselves - both to be less affected so the stress impacts our judgement less, but also to be able to take back personal power and the responsibility that a Saturn influence pushes us to wield.
My focus is on you as a unique individual because that's what helps you to find your unique solutions; because more than anything I want you to be able to manage and shape your life in line with who you are and the needs you have (this also assists in better serving the needs of others with less strain involved). The music is a tool to help you to heal, and to improve things for yourself. And we can turn this to any situation or challenge you're facing or any desire you have - though being able to build greater self respect and put your own needs first is of course, a common theme.
A review from Airstrology client: Ila
"Zelda is a deeply compassionate, honest, and skilled astrologer, using her talents to help people heal. In my consultation Zelda was extremely thorough, talking me through how and why Airstrology works and how it can help me with the things I struggle with, before giving me the prescription and explaining how each one can help me.
Her level of explanation and detail was very interesting and appreciated, and helped me to feel comfortable in an unfamiliar situation, as I’ve not used a service like this before. She’s given me an absolute wealth of information on where in my chart my issues originate - but she’s also provided me with lots of ways I can begin to ease and heal the things I struggle with. I don’t feel I have to “just wait” for things to get better; I can use this now! Its taken a bit of practice to get into the habit of listening to the right artist when I’m struggling, but I’ve found Zelda’s prescription to be spot on.
She’s included artists to help me handle a range of aspects of the issue, too, which has given me a really holistic solution to a complex set of problems. I absolutely encourage anyone who needs some support in healing to try Airstrology!"

Feeling ready to jump in? You can sign up below - I'm excited to work with you! As soon as I receive your order, you'll be able to book your first Airstrology: Long Play (Comfortable Income) session from our booking page - either in person or online, whichever suits you better.
You can pay in installments if you wish to - select Paypal Checkout to process your payment, and select the "pay in 3" option to pay in 3 equal monthly installments.
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