About Me

The concept for Airstrology came to me during the most challenging period my life has been through, when much of what I counted on collapsed simultaneously. Multiple friends died in quick succession, relationships blew up in my face, my living situation became unsafe, and my physical health began to flare out of control. I needed to find a way to shift my own energy without placing even greater strain upon myself. Suffice to say, therapy and other forms of healing simply weren't cutting it when I was faced with this onslaught.
The system I have developed carried me through and out the other side of some very gruelling times and helped me to find myself and open my heart again, and I'm delighted to be able to share it with you.
I am queer, neurodivergent and disabled; and so just as I would look to from others, I've aimed to make Airstrology as accessible as possible. When it comes to managing my own capacity, I often simply don't have the time and energy to engage in healing practices that require a lot of attention or routine, valuable though those can undoubtedly be. Life can be demanding and overwhelming, though slowness is divine and a beautiful form of resistance.
With Airstrology, once we've had our consultation, all that is required of you is to hit a button on your phone and you can start to receive the effects. It takes very little effort and you can do it whilst going about your day as usual - something that's simply there when you need it; though you can also approach things more immersively.
I get a real kick out of not only being able to identify why my clients are experiencing challenges, but also seeing the impact of Airstrology in helping shift their situation and improve their relationship to themselves, especially when this helps free them from some of the impact of very real oppression. And I love being able to connect people with musicians they might never have otherwise listened to. Living in an era of music streaming opens up this possibility - I could not have worked in this way just a couple of decades ago.
I also perform Airstrology on myself almost every day - you'll often find me dancing around my living room or even in the street (don't worry, public dancing is always optional as an Airstrology client).
Airstrology is offered in devotion to Hathor, Upper Egyptian Goddess of Love, Music, Dance, Beauty and Joy; Queen of the Northern Skies; Lady of the Vulva; Protector of women, children, the vulnerable and oppressed - who inspires all of my work; and is humbly dedicated to my dearly departed friends Nila and Yasmin, and to all those queer and trans people who this world didn't create enough room for.
Dua Hathor! Love to all those who society has met with hostility simply for being who they are! You are welcome here!