My Services

I've set Airstrology up to be as accessible as possible, no matter what life is throwing at you.
What that looks like is a range of services depending on how in depth you would like to go, how long you'd like to work with me for; and with a sliding scale of prices based on your own circumstances, because healing should be available to anyone. Read on to decide which is best for you, and do feel free to contact me if you need any help making your selection.
Airstrology: Extended Play - Comfortable or lower income - 30 minute consultation plus custom mix
This is a slightly scaled down Airstrology service so we go into a little less depth than with Long Play, but this option is more suitable for those with less immediate access to financial resources. We'll still dive into your challenges and I'll provide you with musicians who are best placed to help you navigate them holistically.
It can also be treated as a taster session for those who haven't experienced Airstrology before.
It is space for you, and you should leave with greater understanding but also with the tools that can help you - and those tools are music, some of the most profound magic out there.
Immediately after your session; you'll receive your Airstrology Custom Mix - a list of 5 artists, specifically selected to offer you the effects you're looking for; with a full astrological breakdown of how each of them can help you.
This service is suitable for you if your means prevent you from accessing my full Long Play service, or as a taster of Airstrology.
Airstrology: Single - Precarious income - 30 minute astrological consultation
Does something have you feeling kinda stuck, over overwhelmed? Maybe you're having difficulty in your relationships, or wish to start to build better or more supportive ones? Perhaps you're struggling more at work, or in your studies? Or you might be looking to bring more passion, joy or creativity into your life.
This is a service that focuses more on the astrology side of things, helping you understand yourself, the situations or challenges you're facing, and using your own unique gifts and skills to solve them. It is a scaled down version of my Double A-Side service.
By analysing your charts, we help you to understand what's at the root of your challenges, and to find what's going to help you the most.
Of course, this is Airstrology so we still bring healing music that matches your own astrology into the picture. In your session, we'll introduce you to one artist who can help you with easing strain and harnessing your own gifts, and play you some of their work so you can get an immediate taste of their healing effects. We can dance if you'd like to. And immediately after your session you'll receive a full write up of your astrological reading, together with details of that artist and the effects you can expect to receive from them.
This service is suitable for you if you otherwise wouldn't be able to afford to access my healing services.
Airstrology: World Tour - Comfortable or lower income - 1 hour consultation plus custom mix
Astrocartography PLUS - for those looking to travel or relocate
We'll delve into the astrological influences in your current location and we'll look into 3 more locations for you - both running through the influences you would be under and experiences you could expect to have in those locations; and we'll supply music reflecting those influences so you can get a direct feel for them before you travel to or move there. We'll even add some musical remediation for your current location whilst you plan your big move or trip.
In your session: we sit; we talk through your astrology and the influences you're under where you are and where you're looking at heading to; we play some tunes; maybe we laugh and maybe we cry and maybe we dance and maybe we don't.
Immediately after your appointment, you'll receive your Airstrology Custom Mix - containing the music that connects you to whichever locations you've asked about or that we've identified as being especially supportive to you - please let me know any geographical limits for these.
This service is suitable for you if you're serious about planning a long-distance relocation, or if you're planning a big trip.
While the main focus of Airstrology is on personalised healing, there are other ways I can help on request.
Do you need a playlist for your wedding based on each of your individual astrology, as well as the astrology of your relationship and marriage? That's something unique that I can create for you.
How about the perfect playlist for the ambience of your event or exhibition or to increase comfort in your store or venue? Based on your own astrology and that of your event, I can create that too.
I have supported a psychotherapist in creating a playlist to help guide their client through psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, based upon that client's personal astrology.
This is not a finite list - if you are creating or planning something that can be enhanced with the right music, I'd be delighted to connect with you so you can decide if Airstrology is a good fit. You're most welcome to get in touch with me.