Get into your own groove

Healing doesn't always need to be painful or hard work

If you're finding yourself overwhelmed, struggling with emotional regulation or dissatisfied in your relationships; I can help you to bring more harmony into your life, without increasing the demands upon you.

Click here to learn more about my services.

Life can start to feel like too much or out of control really quickly.

That could look like:

  • A major relationship becoming fraught, or even coming apart.

  • Your job ended, stopped being fulfilling or rewarding enough, or you stopped being able to maintain it without massive strain upon you.

  • Experiences of loss or grief, without time made to come to terms with them.

  • You started developing chronic health problems, or those you were already living with started flaring up more frequently or severely.

  • You've simply gotten bored of the same old; and you're longing to do something fresh and that feels more natural and stimulating to you. To live in ways that are more in harmony with you and your own desires and needs.

When things become harder, or simply less fulfilling, it can be really difficult to know where to turn. Not from any lack of options - you've been to therapy, you meditate, you've tried several forms of healing, you take as good care of yourself as you can but things simply aren't shifting.

What if I told you that you're not the problem? What if I told you that things can shift without you having to place even more demands upon yourself?

What's missing is harmony. What do I mean by that?

I start from the point of view that we're all unique individuals, who are all too often forced to try to fit ourselves to a common, and narrow mould - one that's ultimately created in the interests of those who hold power and money in this world. And that one-size-fits-all approaches to healing; or those designed to encourage us to adapt to the status quo are a reflection of this - even when they work really well in some senses - do not do enough to support the unique aspects of your own needs. They also don't work so well if mind, body and spirit are treated as separate from each other.

You may well be aware of this on an intuitive level. You may have found that the diet that supports your body best is different to many of your peers. You might need different medications or supplements from others around you. You have different sleeping patterns, different things relax you, you prefer to exercise in different ways. This comes about because your body is different from theirs, your genetics are different from theirs; and the things you like or enjoy or simply different from theirs.

So why wouldn't this also be true of your own emotional and energetic healing needs?

My name is Zelda, and I'm an experienced astrologer and guide, who for years was running into just these challenges. I spent a long time in therapy, and exploring different healing modalities, and yet I kept running into the same issues. You can learn more about my story here.

I'm a neurodivergent person, a disabled person, and a queer person - so I naturally fit outside of many of society's pre-defined boxes. I perfomed professional divinations for thousands of people across many years - but what I learned is that analysis of one's situation and challenges, while helpful; isn't necessarily enough to produce an energetic shift. And that's why I turned my attention to creating a healing modality that focuses on the individual, and doesn't try to help them through words alone.

That healing modality is Airstrology - something I define as Harmonic Healing. That says that not only are your healing needs unique to you; but that we need to do something more than just talk - we need to be able to supply you with what moves you - with what is in harmony with you. And the answer to that is music that is aligned to your own individual energies. To find out more about how that fits together, please click here.

What's unique about this approach to healing is not only that I'm selecting music that's in perfect harmony with your own individual needs.

It's also that every part of this is designed not to place any additional demands upon you, as you may well already be overstretched. Healing does not need to be hard work.

So there is no requirement to stick to a routine with Airstrology - it's something that you can dip into and access whenever you need it; simply by opening up your preferred music streaming service. You can approach the music I'm giving you immersively, or you can simply have it on in the background whilst you go about your day as usual - and it will still shift your energy in the ways you're desiring. That could look like:

1) A clearer understanding of yourself and your own needs - and how to meet them

2) Greater harmony in your relationships

3) Finding it easier to get out of bed, to face the world, to focus, but also to be able to rest

4) Fresh ideas for where you want your life to go

5) Increased optimism and hope for the future

6) A new found appreciation for musicians and musical genres that you hadn't even thought about before

It's a multi-faceted approach - the music that raises your energy or motivation is not the same music that helps you get focused; and that's different again from the music that allows you to process challenging emotional experiences, that allows you to be kinder to yourself, or that helps you to get better rest.

Whatever life is throwing at you, I will supply you with holistic solutions so that you can approach things in a balanced way. Click here to find out more about the kinds of people I help.

To learn more about my services, please head on here - or if you'd like to keep in touch and get more of a feel for the unique way in which I work, you can sign up to receive emails here.

And of course, if you're feeling ready to start healing in ways that are in harmony with your own unique needs, just click the button below.

If life is being that bit more challenging for you at this time, I also offer a 6 month package of more consistent support; and you can learn more about that here.

Focus the healing power of music through Airstrology


Under the laws of this country I am required to inform you that Airstrology is offered for entertainment purposes only.

Airstrology is an holistic service and should not be used as a replacement for qualified medical or psychotherapeutic help.

Potential side effects of Airstrology may include:

Lowered stress

Greater self respect

Greater self love

Greater love for others

Increased motivation

Increased confidence

More rest

Better sleep

Bigger dreams

Better relationships

Profound insight and breakthroughs

Spontaneous laughter

Spontaneous dancing

Greater joy and enthusiasm





