Life can be overwhelming. Difficult. Distressing. They set it up so we fight against each other (and ourselves) and so it becomes hard to even glimpse the potential of feeling differently and living differently. Do any of these experiences sound familiar to you?

1) You're doing okay at work, and you can just about maintain things; but you're finding yourself increasingly bored and desire, motivation and your sense of purpose have started to wane.

2) You love your partner(s) and want to be in your current relationship, but there are still ways in which the two of you act that irritate or set each other off, and you're finding it hard to resolve these differences.

3) You've experienced past abandonment and worked hard towards coming to terms with it; but you're still finding that your underlying insecurities drive thoughts and behaviours that continue to cause you issues.

4) Things have been progressing pretty well for you and you're generally doing okay in both personal and professional life; but you still find yourself caught in states of anxiety and unable to fully trust the path you're on.

5) You've discovered new things about yourself - these could be romantic or sexual desires that you've unearthed, finding your gender is different from what you previously believed, or unusual interests that you've developed - and you're struggling to come to terms with them.

6) You've recently changed career or returned to work after a long time; and you're struggling to settle and feel like you belong where you are and are good enough to go further.

7) You want to approach how you relate to people in a gentler way, but you're finding the tougher or more defensive parts of your personality are surfacing at unplanned moments. You want to relax your need for control.

8) There are major changes you want or need to make in your life, but uncertainty or fear of the unknown is preventing you from putting them into practice.

About You

Maybe you already worked really hard on your healing. Maybe you've been in therapy or other modalities for years. Maybe it's helping and maybe it's not and maybe it's simply not enough or you're not in the right place to benefit from it - whatever your experiences, they are yours and should be honoured. I work with a wide variety of people, but more of my clients tend to fit one or more of the following categories:

  • Neurodivergent (whether or not formally diagnosed) people, struggling to set their lives up in ways that support their needs, in a world that doesn't naturally do so.

  • People who've been in therapy - whether long or short term, consistently or sporadically - but who are finding it hard to move forward and are tired of circling the same old issues.

  • Those who have developed chronic health issues and are struggling to find ways to live that don't lead to inevitable burnout or repeated flare-ups.

  • Queer people trying to navigate a world of heteronormativity and cisnormativity.

  • People who've been through divorce, break-up of a long term relationship, or other significant loss or grief who are finding it hard to regain a consistent foothold.

Airstrology is there to take the load off of you. To give you space, to help you to find the parts of yourself that you've lost touch with through all those running things put us through and all the false promises made to us. I'm here to connect you back to yourself. That'll help you in therapy, too.

Some of those clients I've had the most success with have included those who:

  • Enjoy music and are open to widening the range of what they listen to.

  • Don't accept the pressure to live in line with strict societal norms.

  • Are interested in learning more about themselves and in finding solutions to long-standing challenges.

  • Struggle to maintain strict routines of self-care or spiritual practice.

  • Have at least a passing interest in astrology, whether or not being deeply versed - I've helped people who know no more than their Sun sign (colloquially referred to as star sign), right up to long-standing professional astrologers. Don't worry, I won't talk in technical terms unless you'd like me to.

  • Want more joy, ease and harmony in their lives.

Below the surface, below the parts of you that you're conscious of, there's so much more. The dreams and desires of your heart. Airstrology can help you to find those, to find yourself, and is there to help you to love yourself enough to give yourself permission to reach for them, in line with exactly who you are and any restrictions and oppression that may have hurt you and your relationship to yourself.

It is time to return to yourself, my love; so you can be fully present with your own life and those of others - no matter how scary that might feel from here - I'm here to guide you through when you need me and can assist no matter what you're dealing with.

Would you like to dance?