Get into your own groove

Healing doesn't always need to be painful or hard work

If you're finding yourself overwhelmed, struggling with emotional regulation or dissatisfied in your relationships; I can help you to bring more harmony into your life, without increasing the demands upon you.

Click here to learn more about my services.

Been that bitch; still that bitch; will forever be that bitch

Oh you beautiful, magnificent child of Earth and Stars; if only you could see and embrace yourself for all that you are. There has never been, and will never be, anyone like you and your love and all that you bring are both precious and needed. What you bring and what you need are unique to you; and working together, we can help you to reconnect to all of yourself and meet you with love.

What time is love?

Love is everything; and it's not just about romantic love; beautiful though that is. In your heart are the most vital truths of who you are and what you most deeply desire. Those are precious and they are your birthright, no matter who made you believe your dreams weren't realistic, or that you would have to compromise yourself to achieve them.

What they don't tell you is that love is always available. When we help each other, support each other, care for each other, these are precious acts of love that sustain us in ways well beyond the physical. And when a musician performs, they bring their own heart and soul to their work, and that love is meant for you - all you have to do is feel it.

Face the music

You may have been listening to or even making music your whole life. Or you may have drifted from it. But some artists are already special to you. Maybe they influenced you or maybe they helped you through a challenging situation. Airstrology is collaborative - when we bring those artists into your session, we can examine how they already help you; and help you open up to receiving more.

Doctor, doctor gimme the news

Doctors and therapists will often recommend you listen to music. That's very vague and general advice and it will help - to a point. What we do with Airstrology is to look at the help you most need, and who is going to be the best at providing it; pinpointing the effects so this all becomes so much easier for you.

The beat is yours forever

The music is always there for you, no matter how dark or difficult things become. I can help you to see other options, new perspectives and ways of doing things so you can choose more of your own life - something those in power work hard to deny us. And those artists can always help you in those ways - though as fresh experiences come up for you, so I can supply fresh music to help you still further.

Focus the healing power of music through Airstrology


Under the laws of this country I am required to inform you that Airstrology is offered for entertainment purposes only.

Airstrology is an holistic service and should not be used as a replacement for qualified medical or psychotherapeutic help.

Potential side effects of Airstrology may include:

Lowered stress

Greater self respect

Greater self love

Greater love for others

Increased motivation

Increased confidence

More rest

Better sleep

Bigger dreams

Better relationships

Profound insight and breakthroughs

Spontaneous laughter

Spontaneous dancing

Spontaneous communism

Greater joy and enthusiasm





